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Press Release | Jan. 25, 2023

The Legacy of Leadership - Lt Col Charles Hercules Green

Charles Hercules Green, Commanding Officer, 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (3 RAR).
Source: Out in the Cold: Australia's involvement in the Korean War - Lieutenant Colonel Charles Green | Australian War Memorial (
As our Sending State partner and friend, #Australia, celebrates its national day, January 26th, UNC wants to take time to remember an Australian who died fighting for peace and security on the Korean Peninsula.

On the 1st of November 1950 Australian Army LTC Charles Hercules Green, DSO, the youngest Australian Army infantry battalion commander during World War II, was struck and killed by shrapnel, two days after the Battle of Chongju.

He was 30 years old.

On the anniversary of his death in 2022, and in honor of his sacrifice United Nations Command / U.S. Forces Korea Brigadier John Carey paid tribute to the only commanding officer of a Royal Australian Regiment battalion to die on active service. 

“Charlie Green made a big impression on all who met him, not only had the Australian Army lost a respected and skilled commander, but a man that troops liked and admired personally. A man of the land, he was calm and unhurried. It is said that he always gave clear and concise orders and was an excellent tactician.
For his actions in the Korean War LTC Green was posthumously awarded the U.S Silver Star.

Charles Green today rests at the UN Memorial Cemetery in Busan, alongside 289 of his Australian comrades in arms.

His widow, Mrs. Olwyn Green recently passed and requested that she be interned with him in Busan.

Today, Australia continues its commitment to the people of South Korea with a small but dedicated team of Army, Navy and Air Force Officers.

오늘 전력제공국 파트너이자 오랜 친교의 국가중 하나인 호주의 날을 맞아, #유엔사 는 한반도의 평화와 안보를 위해 용감히 싸우다 전사한 한 호주 장교를 추모합니다. 
1950년 11월 1일, 제2차 세계 대전 당시 최연소 오스트레일리아 육군 보병 대대장이었던 찰스 허큘리스 그린(Charles Hercules Green)중령이 청주 전투 이틀만에 이 청주 전투 이틀 후에 포탄 파편에 맞아 전사했고, 이때 그의 나이는 30세였습니다.

유엔군 사령부/주한미군 사령부에 재직중인 호주육군 준장 존캐리 준장은 유일하게 현역 복무 중 사망한 장교에게 2022년 그가 전사한 날에 경의를 표했습니다. 
"찰리 그린은 그를 만난 모든 사람들에게 큰 인상을 남겼습니다. 호주 육군은 존경받고 숙련된 지휘관을 잃었을 뿐만 아니라 장병들이 개인적으로 흠모하고 존경하는 큰 위인을 잃었습니다. 그린 중령은 항상 침착하고 서두르지 않았으며, 명쾌하고 간결명료한 명령을 내리는 훌륭한 장교였고 뛰어난 전술가였다'고 전해지고 있습니다. 
한국 전쟁에서의 활약으로 그린 중령은 사후에 미국 은성 훈장을 받았으며, 오늘 289명의 호주 전우들과 함께 부산에 있는 유엔 기념 묘지에 안장되어 있습니다. 
그의 미망인인 올윈 그린 여사는 최근 작고 하셨고, 일찍 떠난 남편과 함께 부산에 묻히기를 희망하셨습니다. 

오늘날, 호주는 작지만 매우 헌신적인 육군, 해군, 공군 장교들로 구성된 팀과 함께 유엔군사령부에서 한국에 대한 헌신을 계속하고 있습니다. 

Lieutenant Colonel Charles Hercules Green DSO (left), Commanding Officer, 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (3RAR), discusses a tactical situation with his Intelligence Officer (IO) Lieutenant Alfred (Alf) Argent. Signaller 51160 Corporal Lindsay Gordon Beeck is the figure behind Green and Argent. Green was mortally wounded in the evening of the 30th of October and died of wounds on the 1st of November 1950.
Source: Lieutenant Colonel Charles Hercules Green DSO (left), Commanding Officer, 3rd Battalion, Royal ... | Australian War Memorial (

BG Carey laying a wreath on LTC Charles Hercules Green's tomb on 1 Nov 2022, Photo by Australian Amy, AAPRS, MAJ Christopher J. Rickey, UNC Public Affairs.


#KoreanWar #UnitedNationsCommand #RememberedWar #UnbrokenCommitment #Armistice1953 #70yearsArmistice