
Canada contributed air, naval and ground forces to support the Korean War under the United Nations Command.

In July 1950 the Royal Canadian Air Force sent the No. 426 transport squadron which flew the first of 600 round trips to the Far East during the war, carrying more than 13,000 passengers and 3,000,000 kilograms of freight. Later, 22 fighter pilots were attached to the U.S. Fifth Air Force to fly combat missions. Canadair shipped 60 Sabre F86 Mk 2’s to USAF for the deployment to Korea during the war.

In July 1950, the Canadian destroyers, HMCS Cayuga, HMCS Athabaskan and HMCS Sioux, were dispatched to Korean waters and arrived on July 30, 1950. During the Korean War, the RCN deployed 8 different warships to Korea, typically there were three on station at one time, and in addition HMC Ships Crusader, Nootka, Huron, Iroquois, and Haida also saw service in Korea.

The 25th Canadian Infantry Brigade was formed as a special force to be sent to Korea. The 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (2 PPCLI) arrived in Korea in December 1950. The Canadian regiment joined the 27th Commonwealth Brigade in February 1951. In May 1951, 2 PPCLI withdrew from the Commonwealth Brigade to join the 25th Canadian Brigade. The new brigade formation rotated battalions from three major Canadian infantry regiments; PPCLI, Royal Canadian Regiment, and the Royal 22e Régiment. Additional troops included armored corps, artillery, engineers, signals, and service corps units.

The air squadron returned home in June 1954 followed by the pilots in December. The last Canadian navy destroyer to serve in Korea was HMCS Sioux and she departed on September 7, 1955. The ground forces remained in Korea until December 1954. The last to leave was the Canadian Medical Detachment, which sailed from Inchon on June 28,1957.

Between 1950 and 1953, over 26,700 Canadians served during the combat phase of the Korean War. Following the Armistice Agreement, almost 7,000 Canadians served as peacekeepers from July 1953 to mid-1957. Canadian casualties included 516 killed, approximately 1,200 wounded, 32 Prisoners of War (POW) (all of whom returned home), and 16 missing in action.

Canada has continuously maintained a liaison officer and NCO in UNC, since the war. Canada currently contributes Canadian Armed Forces members from the Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, and Royal Canadian Air Force, assigned to UNC in a variety of roles. Canada has also deployed ships, aircraft and personnel to support operations, exercises and training. In 2018, Lieutenant General Wayne Eyre was selected to be the first non-US Deputy Commander of UNC.