United Nations Command / United States Forces Korea Chief of Staff
Major General John Weidner is the Chief of Staff, United Nations Command (UNC) and United States Forces Korea (USFK), U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys, South Korea. UNC enforces the Armistice Agreement, facilitates diplomacy, and integrates multinational forces; while USFK, a Sub-unified command of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command deters aggression and, if necessary, defends the Republic of Korea to maintain stability in Northeast Asia in armistice and crisis.
A native of St. Paul, MN, Major General Weidner was commissioned a second lieutenant in 1991 upon graduation from the Army ROTC program at St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in physics. He completed a Ph.D. in medical physics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2012, and holds Master of Science degrees in medical physics, nuclear engineering, engineering management, and strategic studies. His military education includes the Engineer Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, the Combined Arms Services Staff School, the Command and General Staff College, and the Army War College. He is also a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Wisconsin.
Major General Weidner most recently served as the Deputy Director, Plans and Policy, United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.
Major General Weidner previously served as the Director of the US Army Nuclear and Countering WMD Agency, Director of the USSTRATCOM Commander’s Action Group; Director for Strategic Capabilities Policy in the Defense Policy and Strategy Directorate on the National Security Council staff; Executive Director for the Office of Major Modernization Programs, National Nuclear Security Administration, Department of Energy; assistant professor in the Department of Engineering Physics at the Air Force Institute of Technology; stockpile associate for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico; consequence management advisory team leader for DTRA at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico; assistant professor in the Department of Physics at the United States Military Academy at West Point; and Deputy District Engineer for the St. Paul District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He commanded B Company, 52nd Engineer Battalion at Fort Carson, Colorado and served as an Engineer Platoon Leader at Fort Riley, Kansas and in the Republic of Korea.
유엔사 / 주한미군 참모장
성 명 : 존 W. 와이드너 (JOHN W. WEIDNER)
계 급 : 육군 소장
임 관 : 1991 ROTC
교 육 :
• 1991 미네소타 St. John’s University 대학 물리학 학사
• 2012 위스콘신 Wisconsin-Madison 대학 의학물리학 박사
• 의학물리학, 원자력공학, 공업경영, 전략학 석사 등
• 공병장교 초급 및 고급 과정
• 제병협동근무참모 학교
• 지휘참모대학
• 육군참모대학교 (Army War College)
경 력:
• 캔자스 라일리 기지 및 주한미군 공병소대장 근무
• 콜로라도 카슨기지 52공병대대 B 중대장
• 미 육군공병단 St. Paul 지부 부공병단장
• 미 육군사관학교(웨스트포인트) 물리학과 조교수
• 커클랜드 공군기지 배속 국방위협감소국(DTRA) 사후관리고문팀장
• 로스앨러모스 국립연구소 배속 DTRA 비축관리 담당
• 공군기술대학원(AFIT) 기초공학과 조교수
• 에너지부 산하 국가핵안보국 주요현대화 사업실 총괄
• 국가안전보장회의 국방정책전략부 전략능력정책처장
• 미 전략사령부 사령관 특별보좌단장
• 육군 핵 및 대량살상무기 대응국 국장
• 미 전략사령부 기획정책차장
• 유엔사 / 주한미군 참모장
기 타 : 위스콘신州 공인 엔지니어